Socially speaking, this is the time of year everyone expresses love to a significant other, or for some others, on St. Valentine's Day. The story goes back to many years ago in the Middle Ages. Blah blah blah you can look it up on Wikipedia for more information. In the United States it has become another one of those let's see how many dozens of roses, boxes of chocolate, bottles of perfume or pieces of fine jewelry can be sold.
In all of this hype, what is lost? The true feeling of love and lust is lost. Should the receipt tally be the expression or totality of passion? Is there a flame still burning in the hearts of lovers? If you have to swipe for love or swipe to express, maybe you should look into something more personal and sensual. Think to yourself. “I will buy the flowers but maybe I can DO something for my love along with this exercise of retail peer pressure.”
You need to do something to trigger the libido. Open the senses and let the emotion of love and ecstasy fill the body and the spirit of you and your lover. It will do more than but a smile on a face it will make them alive again.
If you have to explore to find something new... explore. As the bodies are in the heat of passion, entangled, toes curl in a sweet release open up the pathway to a new passion in your relationship. But stay within each others comfort level. This is not a mind game or a plot to break the will of your lover but a path to extended ecstasy.
With all of that said... How in the world can all of this be accomplished in one night? It can not even be accomplished in hot weekend not even a month. But it must be something you do everyday to keep the flame of love burning in the hearts of both lovers.
So communicate, express, and explore. It all begins with honest communication. Cupid's arrow may have stuck you with love but you are the one that has to keep the fire burning. Love and be loved everyday.
Athens Greece
In college, I remember reading about the Parthenon. I remember reading how
Lord Elgin stole a ton of marble sculptures and sent them to the British
9 years ago